Somatic Basic Skills
Free Drop in Class

Every month, Terri Delaney offers a free monthly class on learning some basic regulating your nervous system skills. It's a totally free practice class offered via zoom. We go through some different somatic practices to help engage your body and support nervous system regulation. You are welcome to have your camera on or off. Sign up below to get the monthly notifications and zoom link. Upcoming dates on Thursdays at 7pm central time zone: March 20th; April 17th; May 15th; June 26th; July 17th; August 21st; Sept 18th; Oct 16th; Nov 20th; Dec 18th.

Sign up below to be notified when the next monthly class is offered.

Free Handouts
Body practices to support regulation doc
Somatic tools for online gatherings doc

If you just took the class for the first time, please fill out this very brief survey! Thank you!!!