Change your relationships and change your life.

Sign up for a class today!

Safety is not the absence of threat. It is the presence of connection.
— Gabor Mate

Class Descriptions


Wise Adult Skills

Learn the skills of self-observation with compassion, self-worth, emotional regulation, boundaries, self-care and moderation in this engaging group class.

Getting Stuff Done:
ADHD Skills

Geared towards folks with ADHD or other neurodivergent/ neurospicy brains who need skills to manage work and home life more effectively. Spouses welcome!

Somatic Basic Skills

Skills to help your nervous system regulate and help you get more connected to your body. Free class offered every month online via zoom!


Essential Relationship Skills

This 2 day weekend bootcamp will teach you relationship skills you need in order to have the relationship you deserve.

Somatic Functional Adult

This follow-up to the Functional Adult Skills class will help you utilize your nervous system to help build regulation and connection.

Family of Origin Intensive

This 3 day experiential workshop helps you explore your family of origin issues so you can respond in new and more functional ways.


“This class really made this material come to life for me and has helped me to understand the material at a deeper level and tangibly apply it to my life. ”

- Wise Adult Skills Class Participant